Web Designer
Design Beautiful Websites
The Cybernautic design team is a group of passionate creatives & life-long-learners. Our goal is to capture the essence of who our clients are, and create a space for information to live which reflects their unique qualities and accomplishes their goals. As our clients become more web savvy, and the web development world continues to grow, Cybernautic designers have continued to push the boundaries of the design & development process. Not only are we active in industry conversation, but we also have edged our way into much of the front-end development, taking responsibility for the entire user experience. We are always interested in designers with natural ability who share an interest in personal growth & creativity.
This is what we’re looking for:
Mastery in Figma and/or comparable modern design software
Proficiency in developing & editing vector & raster images for use on the web.
Familiarity with Web Design Standards (Box Model, Responsive Web Design, etc)
A familiarity with HTML/CSS is preferred, though not required.
Ability to manage time well, handle multiple projects and shifting priorities.
Good communicator and the ability to give/receive constructive criticism
A portfolio of work demonstrating a well-thought & carefully executed approach to achieving client goals
The desire to curate and continually learn what's possible in the field of Web Design